What's Going On During The Week of January 8, 2018
Hello lovely people,
Happy season after the Epiphany! If you want to hear more about the season of Epiphany, click here. Also, we are changing locations! Please see more info below. If you want to get coffee to chat about your journey, introduce me to anyone who may enjoy our work or to get involved in any way, reply below, send me a separate email and/or call me (912-349-9379). May the Peace of Christ be with you this season after Epiphany, Kelly
Here is what's coming up for Epiphany:
Worship Service is at 5:30 PM on January 14 at 2222 Bull Street (the Bull Street Labs of the Creative Coast) UPSTAIRS (at the intersection of Bull Street and 39th Street)
We have an updated calendar on our website!
Check it regularly for insight into what's happening (and feel free to share): https://www.epiphanysavannah.org/calendar
Sunday Communion Bread-making with the HeidtHarris family at 214 E 34th Street from 10:30 AM - 12 PM on Sundays (ongoing).
This is a child-centered activity fun and for all ages. Come join the HeidtHarris family on Sunday mornings for some bread-making, scripture readings, and play time. We use this bread for our evening services. All are welcome regardless of religious beliefs.
Epiphany House Blessings!
The season of Epiphany (Jan 6 - February 14) is a traditional time of house blessings, where the priest and church community prays over each other's houses and spreads cheer and holy water in a short, simple service. Reply below if you're interested and/or want to see the liturgy.
Our next Youth Ministry Blitz on February 8 at 6 PM - 7:30 PM on Zoom online meeting. All are invited to join and offer a voice.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/465339432
Or Telephone: +1 646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 465 339 432
We're going to get a pastoral intern for '18-'19.
Kyle Carswell (MDiv '16) will be joining us in early February, right before Lent to lend a hand, learn the ropes of ministry, and help us increase our ability to do more youth and family programming. Stay tuned for more information.
We're updating our yearly budget!
Please contact Kelly if you'd like to help give your feedback or just take a look (it's on Google Doc).
Help needed!
January 14: Reply below to let us know!
Set Up at 4:15 PM at 2222 Bull Street
Readers! We need 3-4 readers this week. 5 PM Arrival
Here is the link to the readings (NRSV) we will us this version on Sunday (NRSV).
Greeters! To help people find us, find a seat, and a bulletin...5 PM Arrival
Tear Down (everybody, 6:50 - 7 PM, leaving it as we found it)
Moving Crew ($ deposit-handlers) 7:30 - 8 PM, transport items from our worship location to 611 E Bay Street (our storage location) and safely deposit offerings in Diocesan safe
Let's Play Savannah** in January, TBD (stay tuned by following the page on FB).
Morning Prayer with our friends at St. Paul's Episcopal Church on Abercorn and 34th Street
Mon, Tues, Thurs at 9 AM
Or join us in prayer using the same format, online:
What's happening around this region...
Youth Retreat & Revival: Boundless Love Fearless Faith on January 19 and 20 at Honey Creek Camp and Retreat Center in Waverly, GA. If you enjoy what we do at Epiphany, this is a chance to see our Presiding Bishop and a large group of Christians have an even better time together, being energized about what God's doing in our world, churches and lives. For more information, go here. If you have yet to register for this exciting event, go here.
Project Resource Stewardship Training with Bishop Benhase on January 27, 9:30 AM to 12 PM at St. George's Savannah. Register here and let Kelly know you're interested!
Southeastern Synod of ELCA "All Georgia Youth Gathering" (6th - 12th graders) on Feb 23 - 25 in Covington, GA. $85 per person. Registration and more info is here.
CreekFest (Family Fun Retreat) on February 23 - 25, 2018 in Waverly, GA. We will be bringing back all of your favorite activities: Archery Contest, Cornhole Competition, Team Trivia, Water Balloon Catapult, Obstacle Course Relay, Minute to Win it Pentathlon. Who will dominate the cornhole competition? How accurately can you shoot an arrow? Will the obstacle course relay be your best victory ever? There's only one way to find out: Register at honeycreek.org. This is a weekend you don't want to miss! Call Honey Creek at (912) 265-9218 for more information.
Lenten Prayer Retreat: March 9 - 10! Kelly, Guillermo, Hunt Priest (St. Peter's) and Lynne Kempe (St. Peter's) are putting together this time of peaceful, quiet contemplation. Registration coming soon! Scholarships available.
Affirm Lutheran Youth Event in Houston, TX, on June 10 - 15, 2018. Registration is due on Jan 15 and more info is found here. Register here.
Southeastern Synod Lutheran Youth Organization (SESLYO) gathering is on March 9 - 11, more information here.
Episcopal Youth Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic on June 23-30, 2018. Please encourage high schoolers you know to join the trip! The total cost, including airfare, is $1700. Scholarship is readily available, as is help with fundraising. Preparation includes a mandatory weekend retreat, March 2-4, 2018, at Honey Creek. More information is available here. Apply for the trip here.
An "Education for Ministry" (EfM) distance learning course, taught locally, accredited by University of the South: Sewanee School of Theology, will start in September! This course is like an intense, weekly bible study that gets into scripture, church history, theology and ethics for 36 weeks per year. It's a great way to get an introduction to seminary-type coursework, develop the background needed to preach and teach at Epiphany, and pursue ordination to the diaconate in the Episcopal church. Talk to Kelly now if you're interested for the fall! Tuition fees are usually $375 per year, scholarships available (pay what you can). At the end of the four years, students receive a certificate of completion from Sewanee.